What materials do you use?

I almost exclusively use PETG, PET-CF or a Carbon Fiber Nylon blend such as PA12-CF/PAHT-CF for anything that will be exposed to the elements, or requires structural rigidity and strength.

What is the difference between PETG, PET-CF and PA-CF, and which one should I get?

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) is a material you likely touch everyday without realizing it. Used is mass quantities as water bottles and coffee shop takeout cups, PETG is one of the most widely-used thermoplastics on the planet thanks to it's natural clarity and easy of recycling and reuse. As a 3D Printing filament, PETG has good thermal resistance and mechanical strength on top of being the go-to material for any translucent colors since natural PETG is almost entirely clear.

PAHT-CF is a composite of PA12 and carbon fiber. Inheriting the advantages of low water absorption from PA12 and high-performance carbon fiber, PAHT-CF offers excellent mechanical and thermal properties that can be maintained well even when the prints get wet. Higher Z adhesion layers and flexibility make it ideal for creating engineering parts such as functional prototypes, machining fixtures, injection molds, jigs, and low-volume production parts.

PET-CF The primary difference between PET-CF and PETG-CF lies in their base material. PETG-CF is a reinforced material made by adding carbon fiber to glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG), while PET-CF is to polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The key difference 'G' in PETG stands for glycol. PETG is a glycol-modified version of PET that contains small amounts of glycol as a co-monomer. The addition of glycol to PETG reduces its crystallinity and makes it more transparent. However, it also reduces its strength and stiffness. Due to its dimensional stability and lower water absorption rate, PET-CF is a better choice than nylon for printing functional parts used in high humidity environments. Also, its high-temperature resistance and low warping make it suitable for printing mechanical assembly parts, such as automotive accessories and fixtures.

In short, choose PAHT/PA-CF (Carbon Fiber Nylon) if you want a bulletproof part and don’t mind paying the premium price that comes with that material. Choose PETG if you want a strong and capable part with the option of different colors.

Can I request a color that’s not listed?

Yes! With one caveat. Color is not something that is available as a filament choice with PAHT-CF/PA-CF/PET-CF (but it can be dyed or painted). PETG is the only filament I offer with color options. Please reach out to me if you have a request for a color prior to ordering.